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Business studies online emporium

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A online shop devoted to excellent Business Studies resources, developed by an practitioner with 10 years of teaching and leadership experience. T + L enhancement guaranteed! A wide range of high quality resources are offered, saving you time in regards to preparation so that you can focus more on supporting your students to progress.




A online shop devoted to excellent Business Studies resources, developed by an practitioner with 10 years of teaching and leadership experience. T + L enhancement guaranteed! A wide range of high quality resources are offered, saving you time in regards to preparation so that you can focus more on supporting your students to progress.
Carroll’s Pyramid of CSR worksheet

Carroll’s Pyramid of CSR worksheet

The following resource is useful when teaching A-level Business students about corporate social responsibility and Carroll’s pyramid of CSR. This 2 page worksheet can be used as a in class task or homework exercise to assess student’s understanding of Carroll’s theory/model. There are six scaffolded questions (with mark indicators) and one extension question for fast working students (exam style essay question). *there is no mark scheme/ solutions provided. *the doc is saved as editable for ease of use.
Ratio analysis mini test

Ratio analysis mini test

In class test paper (total 50 marks) that assesses student's knowledge and understanding of ratio analysis. topics include ROCE, liquidity, gross profit and net profit margins, and recommendations . A mixture of small and medium size mark questions. Aimed at GCSE Business students, but could be used with AS Business students (mark scheme provided for calculations. test paper is saved as a word doc for ease of editing).
Revenue, costs and profits mini test

Revenue, costs and profits mini test

In class test paper (total 55 marks) that assesses student's knowledge and understanding of revenue, costs and profit. topics include sales turnover, fixed vs variable costs and examples, calculating gross vs net profit margin and % change. A mixture of small and medium size mark questions. Aimed at GCSE Business students, but could be used with AS Business students (mark scheme provided for calculations. test paper is saved as a word doc for ease of editing).
Interest rates worksheet

Interest rates worksheet

2 separate worksheets to assess student's understanding of interest rates, and impact on demand and costs for businesses. Excellent summary assessment and stimulus for discussion. can be used with GCSE and AS Business students.
Benefits of market research worksheet

Benefits of market research worksheet

revision worksheet to support students with their understanding of the benefits of market research to a business. Worksheet demand students to define, give examples and analyse reasons with the assistance of sentence starters. Can be used with GCSE and AS Business students. (saved as a word doc for ease of editing).
AQA year 1 A-level Business mini test 3

AQA year 1 A-level Business mini test 3

For use when teaching AQA AS Level Business (7131). Covers content in unit 1 'what is business', unit 2 ‘managers, leaders and decision making’, unit 3 ‘decision making to improve marketing performance’ and unit ‘4 decision making to improve operational performance’. A 65min assessment (55 marks) that can be used in class to test student's knowledge and understanding. includes MCQ, short mark questions (including calculations) and 1 case study and essay based question. Can be used as a landmark assessment. Front page encourages student reflection. Mark scheme is included at the end of the document. Assessment is in word doc for ease of editing.
Break even worksheet (Rihanna  case study)

Break even worksheet (Rihanna case study)

a revision worksheet based off a fictional case study of Rihanna leaving the music industry to open up her own umbrella retailer. Questions include break even calculations, drawing a break even chart and explaining limitations of break even forecast. Aimed at AS Business students, but could be used with GCSE Business students. (no mark scheme provided. saved as a word doc for ease of editing).
Liquidity ranking activity

Liquidity ranking activity

A useful in class activity to do with your students to support their understanding of liquidity. students can work individually or in pairs in ranking the various items against the arrow, so they can visually see what assets are most liquid and least liquid. This is great to use before teaching students about current and acid test ratios. Aimed at A-level business students. (saved as word doc for ease of editing).
Motivation in practice case study

Motivation in practice case study

A 2 page worksheet on a fictional case study with 2 practice exam questions- 'analyse' and 'evaluate'. suitable for A-level but could be used for GCSE. useful as a homework exercise. worksheet is saved as a 'word' doc for ease of editing. no mark scheme provided.
Balance scorecard worksheet

Balance scorecard worksheet

A useful summary worksheet that describes the purpose of Businesses using Kaplan and Norton's balance scorecard model to assess business performance. there is a grid for students to fill in, explaining the importance of each of the 4 perspectives, and an extension task of 'it depends on' factors to be considered. Aimed at Business A-level students. (saved as a word doc for ease of editing).
Shortlisting CVs activity

Shortlisting CVs activity

A fictional case study about Holister recruiting for a Customer Service Adviser. students work in teams to assess 6 different CVs and justify who they would like to shortlist, based of the job description and person specification on the brief. an excellent exercise when teaching recruitment and generating class discussion. Aimed at GCSE students, but could be used for Yr1 A-level students as well. In addition, a great stimulus for SMSC discussion. both docs are editable if you wish to amend.
Sectors of the economy worksheets

Sectors of the economy worksheets

The following resources are useful when teaching sectors of the economy to Business GCSE students. Both worksheets can be used as in class tasks or homework assessments. great for recapping content and supporting students to understand key terms (like de- industrialisation, automation and interdependence) and interpreting data. docs are saved as a word doc for ease of editing. no mark scheme provided.
PC World organisation chart case study (hard)

PC World organisation chart case study (hard)

A fictional case study exercise that requires students to draw up an organisation chart. This resource helps to assess student’s understanding of line managers, subordinates and chain of command through a fictional case study. *Suitable for year1 A-level or GCSE (academically more able students). useful as an individual or teamwork exercise. model answer provided on page 2.
Types of leader exam practice question

Types of leader exam practice question

A fictional case study about Nandos and students need to complete the extended writing question task by discussing whether they should hire an democratic or autocratic leader. can be completed individually or in pairs in class, or as a homework task. Aimed at GCSE Business students but could be used with Yr1 A-level Business students. Saved in 'Word' for ease of editing. no mark scheme provided.
network analysis worksheet

network analysis worksheet

a fictional case study that assesses student's understanding of critical path analysis/ network analysis. useful exam practice questions which students can complete for homework or in class. Aimed at Business A-level students. doc is saved in 'Word' for ease of editing. model answer of CPA diagram is included.
Costs and revenues classification tasks

Costs and revenues classification tasks

The following class worksheets can be used when teaching business students (GCSE or A-level) about types of costs (fixed vs variable) and sources of revenue. The worksheets will assess their understanding by classifying the various items on both worksheets in relation to whether it is a fixed cost, variable cost or source of revenue. Useful exercises for class discussion thereafter. *resources have been saved as a word doc for ease of editing.
Introduction to shareholders

Introduction to shareholders

The following resource can be used when teaching limited companies to students and introducing shareholders. Ideal for Business A-level students but could be used with GCSE students as well. Slide 1 gets students to demonstrate their initial understanding of what shareholders are, and gives some examples of responses they could have given. Side 2 identifies the various aspects of a shareholder. E.g. dividend, voting rights, divorce of ownership and control etc. Useful for class discussion. Slide 3 shows a break down analysis of the impact of a limited company having shareholders. This is useful for class discussion, and extension question also provided to stretch student’s thinking further. *resource has been saved as a powerpoint doc for ease of editing.
Scientific decision making tasks

Scientific decision making tasks

The following resource is useful to use when teaching Business students about scientific decision making. The presentation contains 2 respective tasks for students to complete, either individually or in pairs. It can be played on the board and/or given to students as worksheets. Slide 1 tasks students with thinking of advantages and disadvantages of scientific decision making vs. Intuition decision making. Extension question for fast working students in getting them to evaluate which method is best and why. Slide 2 provides three fictional management scenarios and students need to explore how their decisions are short-termism and effects on the business in the short and long term. Extension question for fast working students in getting them to think how scientific decision making processes and methods could be applied to each scenario. *no mark scheme/ solutions provided. *the doc is saved as editable for ease of use.
Business ethics tasks

Business ethics tasks

The following resources are excellent in stimulating class discussion when introducing ‘business ethics’ to A-level Business students. ‘What’s important to you?’ quiz- these starter exercise provides students with a fictional case study where the 5 main characters in the story represent certain values like morality, business, friendship, love and power. Students need to prioritise the characters who they felt were most important to them, and whilst purely subjective, is an interesting starter exercise to introducing business ethics. Business ethics exploration presentation- this slide provides students 8 typical cases of business ethics, and students are tasked with discussing and prioritising them from most ethical to least ethical actions/ decisions. Great for whole class discussion. *the docs are saved as editable for ease of use.
Decision tree recap task

Decision tree recap task

The following resource is useful to use after teaching Business students ‘decision trees’. The recap task assesses student’s understanding to calculate expected value and net gain using the data from the fictional case study of KFC. There is an additional extension task which gets students to consider other quantitative and qualitative factors factors that the business should consider before making their final decision on which product to pursue. The task can be shown on the board for students to work from and/or printed as a worksheet for them to answer on. *solutions for expected value and net gain are included on slide one- they are behind the decision tree, which will transition away when played in PowerPoint presentation mode. *the doc is saved as editable for ease of use.